以下是填满栏段用的 Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Answer: They taste funny. What is the difference between a lousy golfer and a lousy skydiver? Answer: A lousy golfer goes WHAP! "Oh crap!". A lousy skydiver goes "Oh crap!" WHAP! Did you hear about the geneticist that tried to cross a potato and a chicken? He wanted to produce a chicken that would definitely NOT cross the road, but instead, got a bunch of potatoes that sat around pecking eachother's eyes out. How many Psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: Only one, but the bulb has to really want to change. Why did the egg cross the road? Answer: It had an inclination.
荣耀猎人回归!七大亮点看懂不只是轻薄本,更是游戏本的MagicBook Pro 16. 人们对于笔记本电脑有一个固有印象:要么轻薄但性能一般,要么性能强劲但笨重臃肿。然而,今年荣耀新推出的MagicBook Pro 16刷新了人们的认知——发布会上,荣耀宣布猎人游戏本正式回归,称其继承了荣耀 HUNTER 基因,并自信地为其打出“轻薄本,更是游戏本”的口号。 众所周知,寻求轻薄本的用户普遍更看重便携性、外观造型、静谧性和打字办公等用机体验,而寻求游戏本的用户则普遍更看重硬件配置、性能释放等硬核指标。把两个看似难以相干的产品融合到一起,我们不禁对它产生了强烈的好奇:作为代表荣耀猎人游戏本的跨界新物种,它究竟做了哪些平衡以兼顾不同人群的各类需求呢?